Saturday was Cinco de Mayo, or more importantly (as she will tell you), Amber's birthday. I love birthdays, but tend to have Sixteen Candles-esque birthdays myself, so I perhaps get overly excited about other people's birthdays.
What's a birthday without cake? I got a Coldstone cake and cleverly hid it in the freezer. I let it sit there for about a week and made her wait til 12:01 am to open it.

It's not really a dead dove, it's cake!

Along with cake, there was a cornucopia (see, Amber, not just for Thanksgiving!) of presents.

Some highlights:
I bought this solely for the challenge of wrapping it.


This was purchased for the illustration.

And this because it's sweet as hell.

The following is my favorite purchase, mostly because I like to picture the marketing meeting that lead to its inception. In my head it goes something like this:
Bob: We need a new product for kids. Something fresh and exciting.
Pierre: Well, what do kids like? Candy and toys. We need to figure out a way to combine the two. Something like Pez, but radder.
Bob: I've got it! What are kids' favorite things? Gummy worms and lawn care! We'll combine the two and call it Little Sprouts Candy and Grasshead.
Pierre: Genius!

Of course birthdays aren't all about rampant materialism, so there was a homemade present as well. It's what I like to call the greatest mix cd in the world, and it contains some of Amber's favorite songs, as well as some random ones I found in my music collection (I'll leave you to figure out which are which).

Track listing:
1. Old Fashioned Fun - from Human Giant
2. The Sign - Ace of Base
3. Rock Your Body - Justin Timberlake
4. Don't Stop Believing - Journey
5. Milkshake - Kelis
6. Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go - Wham!
7. No Diggity - Blackstreet
8. Lonely Goatherd - Sound of Music soundtrack
9. Oops! I Did it Again - Britney Spears
10. Ice Ice Baby - Vanilla Ice
11. Macarena - Los Del Mar
12. I Want it That Way - Backstreet Boys
13. Mickey - Toni Basil
14. Jump Around - House of Pain
15. This Love - Maroon 5
16. Walking on Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves
17. Copacabana - Barry Manilow