Friday, May 11, 2007

chalk the walk

Last Sunday we went to the second annual Chalk the Walk in Mt. Vernon, where artists create chalk drawings on the street.

The things these people could do with chalk were amazing.

There was also a giant recreation of Georges Seurat’s painting “Sunday Afternoon on the Island of Grand Jatte” (and yes, I had to look that up) that was gridded off into 2x2 squares that you could buy for $10 and chalk yourself.

I like art, but I'm pretty much lacking in any sort of artistic ability. When I draw animals I have to give them speech bubbles so you know what kind of animals they are. An example of a bird:

I figured I couldn't do any worse than the 5 year olds drawing with chalk, so we bought a square. The woman tried to sell us 2, then gave the second to us for free anyway after we refused because they were so far behind - upgrade!

Our fancy chalk set.

Amber goes to work.

It's all about the blending.

Damn, we're good.

Me with our finished work.

A perk of art for me is that it gives you an excuse to get covered in whatever medium you're working with, and the chalk was no exception. My hands were green for the rest of the day.

As a bonus, on the way home we drove by two giant giraffe sculptures in front of the ugliest house ever.

The bigger giraffe has a picture frame around its neck. I drove by a similar giraffe in someone's front yard when I got lost in Iowa City once. It had a wreath around its neck. I'll have to try to find it again. I feel there may be more out there, all with random objects around their necks.

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